Heartade is a combination of traditional Ayurvedic herbs which have been commonly used for thousands of years to help maintain heart health.* These herbs are concentrated by an extremely powerful technology that combines C02 extracts with hydroethanolic extracts to create a new holistic extract that is very powerful but still able to be delivered in a vegetarian capsule. Heartade helps maintain healthy heart and vascular function for adults with normal healthy cardiovascular systems.*
We have pioneered a technology that combines the CO2 extracts, with hydrophilic extracts to create a new generation of extract that is very powerful but still able to be delivered in a vegetarian capsule. It is in this way that we can bind together extracts from both polarities of the plant to create a complete extract that is supercharged.
Rebel Herbs Heartade
This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.